meta name="classification" value="oxfordshire improvisation company, oxford impro, oxford, impro, entertainment, theatre, improvisation, comedy"> Oxford Impro Shows



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"Keep your eyes peeled for another performance... guaranteed to be different every time"
Daily Info, on 'The Impro Experiment' at Science Oxford

At The Net
Performers in a haze of improvisation!

Shows, Events and Latest News

For up-to-date information on everything Oxford Impro is up to, please check our ONLINE CALENDAR


We currently have no shows or public workshops booked. we are spending the Summer honing some techniques and learning some new skills but we hope to be back at a theatre near you in the Autumn/Winter!


Please see above. If you are interested in popping along to one of our regular practise sessions (which take workshop form), please email us.
Oxfringe Logo

Previous performances:

Oxfringe 08:

As part of this years Oxford Fringe Festival, Oxford Impro performed their new show 'The Improfessors' - a series of "lectures" from some rather unusual experts!

"quicking thinking...inventive...the group of undoubtly talented actors were brimming with enthusiasm" - Oxford Times

Well you guys out there sure know how to suggest some great things! We had quite a mix that created some interesting scenes - a box to keep your thoughts in, the invention of teleporation, talking wish-giving stars, chocolate experts, how the universe was created, self-cleaning rat cages..... Needless to say, both nights of the Improfessors at the Burton Taylor theatre in Oxford where a success! Thanks so much to everyone who came, we hope to let the Improfessors loose again before too long!

"Imagine a mix between Whose Line is it, Anyway? and I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue, and you might get some sense of what this very funny, creative, hour-long show is like. The audience commits their favourite books, degree topics, historical periods, most desired invention, and so on, and a gang of eight improvisers has to turn these ideas into a series of improvised sketches loosely themed around ‘expertise’. Thus we had Mary, an expert on pig-slaughtering through the application of port, Professor Smith’s thought box, bungee-jumping, a return from the Crusades and a chocolate expert and her translator from a fictional foreign country. Your experience will vary! The show is very funny, hilarious at times. Oxford ImPro’s website spurns the comparison to Whose Line is it, Anyway?, but the similarities are clear enough: one performer stands behind another manipulating props on a table while the other improvises an explanation of his latest invention; the improvisers try to speak in pairs or en masse in a single voice; they are given silly scenarios and invited to entertain. The only discernable difference was the absence of any competitive element – no having to answer questions and thereby work out who you are, or what bizarre affliction you suffer from. If you like the show, you’ll love the ImProfessors. The ImProfessors is an entertaining, energetic show with guaranteed originality every night. I look forward to seeing more from Oxford Impro in the future." - Daily Info

On that note, I'd like to say I really like Who's Line is it Anyway, it's a great show! There are just some techniques we use as improvisers that are different, even if some of the games involved in scenes are similar. It's more about the way we work behind the scenes. But I take the reveiwers point, and we do want to get down to some more longform, which is partly why we're having the Summer to focus on such things.

Some pictures from the OxFringe:

One Voice scene at the OxFringe Lip Sync scene at the OxFringe Scattered Dialogue scene at the OxFringe Hands scene at the OxFringe

Take A Risk 07:

Well for Oxford Impro, 2007 was the year of the risk! We hired the Unicorn Theatre for a series of shows called 'Take A Risk' in the hope that the people of Oxfordshire would take a risk by coming to see improvised theatre. This was organised along with Oxford Inspires in honour of 2007 being Oxfordshire's 1000th birthday. We had some lovely warm audiences who were fantastic and really enjoyed the shows, but don't take our word for it, take theirs! -

"These people are really excellent. They do a super show, very clever, very funny, and well worth seeing.....those not there missed an amazing Show. The entire performance was improvised -- games, sketches, story-telling etc -- and was energetic, entertaining and very, very funny. A small amount of audience participation was included -- not a great deal, for those who are shy of going onto a stage (!) -- but the rest was just a small group of inspired and quick-thinking people filling the theatre with a buzz of energy, ideas -- and laughter!" Jon Crowley

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August 2007:

Listen to Oxford Impro on the radio! (requires Realplayer). Follow the link on the BBC Oxford website to listen to our interview.

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Show at the Unicorn
Improvisers waiting to hear what on earth they
have to do next at one of the Unicorn shows!

July 2007:

We did it, we performed "on the pond" at Sunningwell! And boy did we do it in style! That's right ladies and gents, we did it that night that it poured and poured and POURED with remember, when there was all the flooding throughout Oxfordshire!?! Oh Yes, three brave improvisers boldly took to the stage to perform the life of "Rupert", and about thirty even braver audience members sat under their umbrellas and not only watched, but shouted ideas with more enthusiasm than ever seen before!! A marvellous night all round! As the compare said at the end, "Thank you for coming, and thank you even more for staying!". And can you believe no-one took any photos?! What do you mean "didn't want to ruin their cameras"??

In Rehearsal
One of our regular practise sessions

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January 2007:

We performed at the 'Science Cabaret Evening' for Science Oxford. Johnathon Wood kicked off the evening with one of his competition-winning mini-lectures and then after the interval, Oxford Impro performed to an audience who had nothing but Spiderman and stain-resistant shirts on their minds! Thank you Johnathon! At least he seemed to enjoy how we wove the information from his lecture into our scenes!

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Science Oxford
'The Impro Experiment' at Science Oxford
2006 saw Oxford Impro in a great deal of collaborations...we joined forces again with Abingdon Touring Theatre to do a evening on entertainment, we partied with local band Dumber Than Chickens and we did our first scientific show with Science Oxford. As well as the usual practises, socials, shows and workshops; including entertaining CCLRC (local laboratory) with a quiz, the The Prince's Trust in Ireland at their annual inaugural meeting, and helping with training through roleplay at the Vale of the White Horse. All this of course after having seen in 2006 with a show at a New Year's Eve charity party!

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What will 2008 bring? Any suggestions? Email us if you have any thoughts or ideas on things you'd like to see.

Watch this space for more information about future Oxford Impro performances,
or alternatively email and let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list